I am not going to bother you with blah blah blah just check out the starter I created! I also wrote some comments for your better understanding.

  • You will need sam-cli. What is sam-cli?
  • You will need aws-cli and configure your IAM ACCESS and SECRET
aws configure set aws_access_key_id *o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key *o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o
aws configure set default.region us-east-1
  • How to build and deploy
MAVEN_OPTS="-DskipTests=true" sam build 
sam deploy --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --s3-bucket ${DEPLOY_BUCKET} --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

or use shell scripts under the repository but don't forget to change your deploy bucket (an empty bucket to use for the deploy process)

sh sam-build.sh
sh sam-deploy.sh

And our Lambda Function just hatched 🐣

Thanks for reading.

Please follow me if you like and don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comments!



Ekin Gün Öncü
Ekin Gün Öncü

Written by Ekin Gün Öncü

I am an enthusiastic and experienced software developer who keeps learning every day.

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